pH Electrode Care: Conditioning & pH Meter Calibration

pH Electrode Care: Conditioning & pH Meter Calibration
All pH electrodes are shipped dry (Milwaukee - dry; HM Digital - dry; HANNA - dry or moist). It is normal to see some yellow/white salt crystals inside the cap or on the electrode for brand new pH meters, the salt is from dried storage solution, and it will disappear when rinsed with water.
All pH meters must be conditioned and calibrated before use.
- Conditioning
All pH electrodes are shipped dry (Milwaukee - dry; HM Digital - dry; HANNA - dry or moist). Prior to using your electrode for the first time, follow these four steps to condition your electrode:
1. During shipment it is possible for air bubbles to move into the glass bulb. To remove air bubbles, shake down the electrode in the same manner as a clinical thermometer until the glass bulb is filled with solution.
2. Remove the protective cap from the bottom of the electrode and rinse the electrode with distilled, deionized or bottled water.
It is normal to see some yellow/white salt crystals inside the cap or on the electrode, the salt is from dried storage solution, and it will disappear when rinsed with water.
3. Place the electrode in a beaker containing electrode storage solution (or pH 4, or pH 7 buffer), condition/soak it for 30 minutes.
DO NOT condition a pH electrode in distilled or deionized water, it will damage the glass pH sensor.
4. After conditioning, rinse the electrode with water. The electrode is now ready for calibration.
- Calibration
pH meters can be calibrated against one pH buffer (one-point calibration) for pH measurement at calibration point +/- 1.
If you need to measure pH in a wider range, two-point calibrations will be needed.
The calibration function is different from meter to meter, so please read the operation manual before you start. You can do an one-point calibration for your pH meter if you only have one pH buffer.
If the new pH meter can not be calibrated after the 30 min conditioning, please repeat the conditioning steps and condition the probe over night and try the calibration again.
- Testing
Insert the pH meter/probe into the testing solution to a depth between 0.5 inches (enough to cover the probe completely) and 1 inch. Gently stir the solution in a circular motion with the pH meter/probe, then hold the meter/probe steadily in the solution until a stable pH reading is obtained.
- Handling/Cleaning
Always rinse the pH electrode with water between calibrations and testings. Clean the electrode by leaving it soaking in electrode cleaning solution for about 10 minutes at least once a week to prevent clogging and to maintain accuracy.
DO NOT wipe the pH electrode, you can blot the end of the electrode with lint-free paper to remove excess water if needed.
- Storage
Always keep the pH electrode wet after conditioning. Store the electrode in storage solution. If the storage solution is not available, use pH 4 or 7 buffer solution.
DO NOT store the electrode in distilled or deionized water.
- Protective Cap
All pH electrodes are shipped with a protective cap over the glass bulb to help prevent electrode cracking and for electrode storage. Place a small, clean sponge or tissue in the bottom of the cap, fill the cap with enough storage solution to wet the glass bulb, and store the electrode UPRIGHT with the cap on.
DO NOT store the electrode without the protective cap. Keep a spare cap if needed. - We accept credit cards via PayPal, no PayPal account is required