Milwaukee MI450 Color & Phenols in Wine Photometer

Milwaukee MI450 Color & Phenols in Wine Photometer, Martini MI 450
Mi450 is a user-friendly photometer for monitoring phenols and color in wine
Determination of total phenols and color in wine is extremely important in
order to decide the production process to be used.
Phenols and color develop during the entire course of life of the wine, and
are dependent from factors such as pH, sulfur dioxide (SO2) and Dissolved
oxygen (O2). The most important molecules are tannins and anthocyanins
(see the table below).
Milwaukee’s Wine - Photometer are manufactured for easy use, are practical
and accurate. Ideal for laboratory use.
The photometer has an advanced optical system based on a special tungsten
lamp and a narrow band interference filter that allows most accurate
and repeatable readings. The instruments are factrory calibrated. - We accept credit cards via PayPal, no PayPal account is required